Mini comeback!

I’ve been thinking about posting an update here since April but I only got the motivation to actually log back in this week. And now, after a year or so of absence, I’m facing another hurdle: the new WordPress dashboard and editor.

A few Google searches later, I finally got to enable the Classic Editor again, thanks to this page! I definitely feel more “at home” with the old interface. Now, I can finally get on with this post…

So, where have all the posts gone?

Last year, I had this nudge to edit all of my posts and update its links, photos, etc. wherever necessary. To make my progress easier to track, I figured it would be better to set my blog’s contents to private for the time being.

However, as you can see, I haven’t gotten back to any of it until now — not that I’ll ever be tempted to just go the “clean slate” route. Sure, I currently have almost 200 posts on my plate (plus the 140+ on my other blog), but I just know that I’ll eventually get all of it done — at one point or another.

Who knows, by the time that happens, this blog may already be filled with my latest training and race-related updates again, just like the old times!

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